3 min read

A 10 🍊Day: Transformation Through Revelation

True transformation happens through revelation. Find out how to approach your identity transformation.
A 10 🍊Day: Transformation Through Revelation
Grace Based Business: The God Identity Triangle

Grace Based Business

A 10 🍊Day: Transformation Through Revelation

A 10 Orange Day

True transformation happens through revelation. Did you know that?

Your business is just one revelation away from transformation. One revelation of the incredible, indelible calling that God has placed on your life and your business and everything changes.

The Opportunity To Change

In this series I’m diving into transforming our businesses through the reforming of our mind. I’m so glad you found yourself here!

For many business owners, living from a place of purpose and influence is an anathema. An oxymoron. Things are going haywire all around them and it seems an impossible task to make they changes they know are needed.

Slowly, with a ‘death by a thousand cuts’, the origin story of their vision fades away. The conviction which was so crystal clear when God first called you bleeds out. Buried under the weight of ‘Getting the message right’ or the latest cashflow emergency.

I believe that together with God, we can change this story. He didn’t bring you this far to leave you here. This series won’t provide you all the answers, but it does give you a place to start.

If you’re truly serious about making the change, I’ve also created this free course through my company Creative Appnologies. Regardless, I’d love it if you took some time to give me a ‘clap’, subscribe or reach out.

Remember: this is just the beginning.

Our Dysfunctional Triangle

In the first episode of this series, I introduced the God Identity Triangle. Here it is:

It would be awesome if this was our everyday lived experience, but for most people it’s just

It would be fantastic if I could confidently say that my identity was grounded upon a true understanding of what Jesus says about me. However I find my reality can often be different.

If I’m honest, my reality sometimes looks like this:

My Warped God Identity Triangle

My business has become who I am which is driving my identity. Often times, I’m not even considering what God is saying about me. He’s not even part of the picture. I’m a mature Christian with many years of faith and trust in God and yet sometimes

I’m eating 10 🍊a day and I don’t even realise it!!!

I find myself repeating negative patterns. I create self-defeating loops everywhere! My insecurities and various deficiencies keep hampering, hindering and restricting my business.

I’m just like the 10 🍊a day person.


A Shout Out To Hope

The good news is that our story doesn’t end there.

There is hope.

Let me introduce you to a powerful piece of scripture.

Romans 12:2 (TPT). Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.

The Powerful Impact of Grace

Now, for the practical among you, I can already hear you thinking: “Oh dear, yet another thing I have to do to be better! Doesn’t this guy know how much I’ve got on my plate already?”

Maybe you’re thinking, “I don’t even know where my 10 🍊are yet, let alone what to do about it! This isn’t helpful at all!”

You’d be entirely correct if wasn’t for the powerful impact of Grace.

Grace tells us that not only does God show us what needs to be done, but that He partners with us to make it happen.

The revelation is this: It is Holy Spirit who will transform us. We just have to connect with Him!

Isn’t that huge relief!

5 Steps to Transformation

With that in mind, this scripture contains five distinct steps we can undertake to have our minds transformed. Here they are:

  1. Stop. Recognise that you’ve got some things to stop
  2. Connect. Personally connect with Holy Spirit
  3. Allow. Allow Holy Spirit to change how you think
  4. Empower. Allow the outcomes of your reformed thinking to flow through to your behaviour
  5. Live. Enjoy living in the beautiful flow of grace which God brings

Stop, Connect, Allow, Empower, Live

How good is God!

In our next episode, we’ll get into the details.

List Of Episodes

I can’t wait to see you on the next episode. Don’t forget that you can sign up to the free 10 🍊a Day course here.

  1. It Starts with Your Mind
  2. What Jesus Says
  3. Transformation Through Revelation
  4. 5 Steps to Transformation