4 min read

A 10 šŸŠDay: What Jesus Says

You were created On Purpose, for a Purpose. Jesus has said some specific and amazing things about you and this is what drives yourā€¦
A 10 šŸŠDay: What Jesus Says
A 10 Orange Day

Grace Based Business

A 10 šŸŠDay: What Jesus Says

You were created On Purpose, for a Purpose. Did you know that?

Even more importantly, do you believe it?

This purpose flows through to amazing business God has given you. Understanding this transformed my business experience, and I think it can for you too.

The Opportunity To Change

In this series Iā€™m diving into transforming our businesses through the reforming of our mind. Iā€™m so glad you found yourself here!

For many business owners, living from a place of purpose and influence is an anathema. An oxymoron. Things are going haywire all around them and it seems an impossible task to make they changes they know are needed.

Slowly, with a ā€˜death by a thousand cutsā€™, the origin story of their vision fades away. The conviction which was so crystal clear when God first called you bleeds out. Buried under the weight of ā€˜Getting the message rightā€™ or the latest cashflow emergency.

I believe that together with God, we can change this story. He didnā€™t bring you this far to leave you here. This series wonā€™t provide you all the answers, but it does give you a place to start.

If youā€™re truly serious about making the change, Iā€™ve also created this free course through my company Creative Appnologies. Regardless, Iā€™d love it if you took some time to give me a ā€˜clapā€™, subscribe or reach out.

Remember: this is just the beginning.

What Jesus Says

In our last episode, we explored a singular, powerful, transformative truth.

Transformation = Knowing what Jesus says about you

We also explored the fairly silly example of a person who decides that to be ā€˜goodā€™ is to eat 10 šŸŠa day.

If we accept that the ideal state is that our identity is driven by an accurate perception of what Jesus says about us, weā€™re left wondering:

What exactly does Jesus say about us?

Or maybe I should reframe the question to be ā€œWhat do you truly think Jesus says about you?ā€

10 Things You Think Jesus Says About You

Why not take a 5 minute break and reflect on this question.

What are 10 things you think Jesus says about you?

Why not have a think about where these perceptions came from. Who said that Jesus said these things?

It might be a bit challenging, and itā€™s totally ok to take a break, but itā€™ll help you centre yourself. Hereā€™s some questions which might help.

  1. Do you think God thinks youā€™re awesome?
  2. Do you think God has a purpose for you?
  3. Do you think God has a purpose for your business?

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10 Things Jesus Actually Says About You

Now, letā€™s take some time to write down 10 things from the bible that Jesus says about you. Iā€™ll give you five of mine to get started:

  1. That I am a (good) new person. Colossians 3:10.
  2. That I am created to do good things. Ephesians 2:10.
  3. That God thinks Iā€™m pretty awesome. Psalm 139:14.
  4. That the reason why Jesus sacrificed Himself for me was because He thought Iā€™m awesome to hang out with. Hebrews 12:2.
  5. I still have a lot to work on (i.e. Iā€™m not magically a perfect person). 2 Corinthians 3:18.

I challenge you to go and find 5 more things in the bible that God says about you. Thereā€™s heaps, and it might take some time, but itā€™s pretty cool to see how awesome God thinks we are.

10 Conclusions About What Jesus Actually Says About You

Youā€™re probably seeing a recurring theme here about the number 10. Those dang šŸŠ

In this step, why not take another 5 minutes to write about the 10 conclusions you can draw from what Jesus says about you?

Hereā€™s four of mine to get you started:

  1. If I am a (good) new creation, it means that I am predisposed to do good things. I might not be there right now, but: there is hope!
  2. If I am still in the process of being transformed, then that means that: God is not going to be surprised when I make mistakes.
  3. If God is not going to be surprised when I make mistakes, Heā€™s not going to dump me when I screw up.
  4. If God thinks Iā€™m pretty awesome and was literally worth dying for, He must be pretty pumped when He hangs out with me.

Those 4 conclusions alone are pretty world changing, but Iā€™ll challenge you to go deeper. I challenge you to write down six more conclusions you can draw about what Jesus actually says about you.

What An Amazing God

I just had to say that. He really is awesome!

Back to Business

Letā€™s get back to our business.

What do you think are some of the implications of these things God has said about you and I?

Do you think that Heā€™s liable to bail when you get something wrong OR probably pretty excited to work through a challenge with us?

Do you think that Heā€™s keen to partner with you to grow the positive influence of your business OR sitting in heaven with an šŸ˜  face towards you?

Do you think He enjoys you praying about every little aspect of your business, sharing your challenges with Him OR that He feels bored, frustrated, judgemental about your struggles?

Sadly, for many business owners, while we might say that we believe the good things the bible says, our identity tends more towards the opposite.

And thatā€™s what weā€™ll be exploring in our next episode.

List Of Episodes

I canā€™t wait to see you on the next episode. Donā€™t forget that you can sign up to the free 10 šŸŠa Day course here.

  1. It Starts with Your Mind
  2. What Jesus Says
  3. Transformation Through Revelation
  4. 5 Steps to Transformation